Animation in the district of Moatize
Animation is carried out in the communities that take part in the Integrated Plan for Poverty Alleviation through rural development and capacity building. Animation activities are used to spread information to the people involved, to beneficiaries, technicians and trainees alike. The animation activities take traditional ways of expression, such as dance, poetics and theatre.
Youth, adolescents and adults are involved in these activities, which take place on days of visits, exchanges and on the field.
The animation activities are held in the local language (Nhungue). Quite often traditional instruments are used.
Animation in the district of Morang, Nepal
In Nepal the animation takes place by gathering the beneficiaries in the
community hall as well as on the field.
From the time of formation of the self help groups there have been regular animation meetings. When the SHG members or nowadays cooperative members come to deposit their savings there is always an hour of input offered to them. The input relates to various subjects, for instance planning of future activities. How to improve their farming is also a frequent topic.
Mostly, whenever new ideas like scientific farming are introduced it is followed by practical training in the field so that it leaves a lasting impact on the participants.
Often in these meetings discussion takes place in Nepali language which is different from the tribal local language. Since Don Bosco Rural Development project aims at integrating the local farmers into the Nepali mainstream society these animation settings are also used to train the language skills of beneficiaries. However, there is always an interpretor available to translate into the local language if necessary.