Communitarian Radio Moatize

Father Ricardo at work (JEW 2011)

The communitarian radio station “Don Bosco“, of the Salesian Society of Mozambique, is situated in Moatize, Tete. It is broadcasting since 1997, with a capacity of 4 W. Since January 2011 it can be found at the frequency of 101.1 MHz and has a capacity of 2500 W. The broadcast can be received within a distance of 100km.




The Radio's objectives

The communitarian radio station “Don Bosco” aims at social intervention. It distributes, analyzes and interprets news, with a focus on the communities in which it is located, our country, Southern Africa, Portuguese-speaking African countries and world news.

In order to contribute to a pluralistic culture of politics and democracy, the radio promotes and spreads information about activities of local communities and civil movements, local and national. The radio serves to defend and preserve the countries peace, unity, national reconciliation, socio-cultural and economic development.

In the production of the radios broadcast, education and formation of the communities is a priority. Unprivileged adolescents and children, women, culture and the environment are of our main concern.

The communitarian radio station “Don Bosco” deals with social life and addresses topics such as alcoholism, family, criminality and sex, as it wants to contribute to moral and pubic order.


The radio is communitarian and headed by the Mission of Paróquia S. Joao Baptista. It acts, without commercial interests, to serve the local community and to promote the objectives mentioned above.

The radio emphasizes educational, humanitarian and social goals.

Its broadcast neglects political, or otherwise, biased broadcasting and promotes objectivity and autonomy.

Moderator at Moatize Community Radio (Ebenhöh 2012)

Capacity Building

Training and capacity building measures in the last years included:

  • Training workshops at the Catholic Radios (Beira), 2007
  • Practical trainings in Malawi (Rádio Maria), 2007
  • Practical trainings with staff of Radio de Mozambique (Moatize), 2010
  • Different seminars with different organizations, governmental and non-governmental
  • Computer classes (Moatize), 2010
  • Seminar in South Africa, 2010
  • Creation of different radio broadcasts
  • Internal transmission of the activities and events


Financiers of the project

The realization of the “Don Bosco” radio station was made possible through the help of the Salesian Congregation of Mozambique, the Salesians of Portugal, Jugend eine Welt (Salesians of Austria) and the Mission of S. Joao Baptista in Moatize.

1. Jugend eine Welt (Salesians of Austria): Rehabilitated the radios facilities, installed the electric grid and air-condition. Further the implemented the formation of staff at the Rádio Maria in Malawi.

2. Salesians of Portugal: sponsored the transmitter, the antenna and the emitter, as well as other technical material.

3. Salesian Congregation of Mozambique: sponsored and installed the tower and financed the UPS and air-condition.

4. Mission of S. Joao Baptista in Moatize: provides for the actual maintenance, enhancement, energy costs and implemented computer workshops for the staff as well as workshops with the Rádio de Mozambique.


New financiers to continue the project

The radio has no commercial or lucrative ends. All its finances depend on donations.

The staff involved in this project is made up by a group of 14 volunteers, adolescents and adults, who do not receive a salary. They are organized by a coordinator, an administrator, by the heads of departments and those responsible for the content.

We consider the help of businesses and organizations, especially of NGOs, as an opportunity and necessity. They are very important partners for the continuation of the project.

Their Help enables

  • Production and realization of radio broadcasts
  • Training of voluntary staff
  • Maintenance of the transmitter
  • Maintenance of the electricity grid, the telephone and internet.